Loyalty Savings
The perfect savings account for individuals who maintain higher balances and want to earn interest. The higher the balance, the more interest you earn!

Get started with Adirondack Bank and Loyalty Savings today!
- $500 minimum balance required
- Tiered rate interest - higher interest rates on larger balances
- eStatements available (No more waiting for paper statements in the mail)
- TeleBanc (24-hour telephone banking service)
- Online Banking (Available 24/7, wherever you can access the Internet)
- ADK on the Go - mobile banking
- Direct Deposit available (No more waiting for a check to arrive)
- Interest accrued daily/paid monthly - interest automatically deposited into your account
Minimum deposit of $500 required to open. Monthly service charge of $5.00 will apply if the balance falls below $500 anytime during the month. See current rate sheet or contact your local branch for more information.